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Best Cheap Blitz 90158 Workbench Kit Sale

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Blitz 90158 Workbench Kit Features

  • Workbench kit
  • Add your own lumber to make a workbench up to 8' L. x 4' W. x 36" T
  • No mitre cuts required
  • Kit includes 4 workbench legs, 2 work clamps, 3 single hooks, 1 double hook, and assembly hardware
  • Lumber sold separately

Blitz 90158 Workbench Kit Overview

WORKBENCH- JUST ADD 2 X 4'S - Sturdy 2x4 framing and advanced engineering makes the 2x4 basics workbench stronger and more stable than other available workbenches and storage solutions. Each shelf wil hold up to 1000 pounds. Included with the set of four workbench legs are 2 work clamps, 3 single hooks, and 1 double, multi use hook. The clamps are moveable and attach to all corners of your workbench. Use them alone or in pairs. The innovative hooks can be used as traditional hangers or you can use the the tool slots for storing screwdrivers and other tools. Simple assembly completed in less than one hour with only a powered screwdriver and a saw. Only straight 90 degrees cut are required. All hardware is included. (Tools and 2 x 4's not included.)

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